It seems hard to believe, but it’s almost been four whole years since the last RL Grime project. As we patiently await the release of his forthcoming album, NOVA, we’ve been trying to find out as much information about it as possible, wherever it appears.
This past weekend, the redditors over at /r/trap made a discovery that reveals another brand new track that we can only assume will also be on NOVA. The new track comes from a very brief portion of his Ultra 2018 set, and fortunately for us, his entire set was uploaded by YouTube user Mi5taKlean.
The track doesn’t have an official ID yet, but we did hear RL Grime mention that he had an additional song with Miguel during his appearance on the popular Fortnite streamer Ninja’s stream last month.
When listening to the unidentified tune, you can clearly hear a voice that sounds strikingly similar to Miguel’s, with some seriously heavy 808s coming in at the drop. We hope this one is on the album, because it bangs. Listen for yourself right here and enjoy!
Watch RL Grime Drop A Brand New Unreleased Trap ID Ft. Miguel